viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009


A través de HenshinJustice, han colgado una imagen de la peli Ultra Galaxy Legend en la cual podemos ver a Ultraman Belial victorioso sobre Zoffy.

¡¡¡ Zoffy esta muerto ¡¡¡¡¡¡


Aqui va una traducción del texto en japonés, por uno de los miembros de ese Foro:

"If I'm reading the Japanese right it says roughly "Zoffy was attacked with the Gigabat Lunarizer and he was defeated."
(The poetic part of me wants to render it as "Zoffy has fallen before the power of the Gigabat Lunarizer," because I feel like Japanese superhero stuff should really be translated in the spirit of Stan Lee.)
The operative word in the Japanese is "taoreta" which specifically means "fell over" and often used in context to mean "beaten". "Die" is a different word entirely so I'm sure Zoffy is okay, he just suffered a serious ass-kicking"

arigato: Lynxara

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